wake up so tired la, after a day full shift until midnight, then today agn! haha but nvm, is i chose to chiong for money de bo bian, mus ren! anyway, gt money earn jiu can le! haha.
meet hussein and nor at interchange there to go cake history buy cake for yen jie! haha, cos sun is her birthday, but she off, so today will help her to celebrate a advance brithday for her! haha.
after that, hidayah reach engwah about 1 plus? me and esther also went to the office and we all dicuss hw to give yen jie a surprise. In the end, we all went to take the lift up to lvl 3 to give yen jie a surprise while she eating at lvl 3 sb. I was holding the cake and hidayah help to light the candle.
SURPRISE!!! haha, yen jie give a so shock face and stun there, but she smile until so happily and keep asking hw we know about her brithday, haha, we sing brithday song for her, ask her to open present, take some pics and eat the cake.
some of the pics taken...
haha, the video that taken by me: receive a prank present! lol!
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
cough cough... sneezing...
wah, i already have been sick for so many days sia since last week and still havnt recover yet, sian, medicine also eaten finish by me lliao, hw sia, hope can faster recover ba although nw feeling better le...
hmms... everyday work and work and work, time pass slow also, especially in the afternoon, damn bored la! But, wei le money! must ren! haha.
these few days also need to tink and plan for many things sia, lat for my class BBQ, and for wei wei' chalet also, need to help to plan, hope can get these over soon, so i no nd to excerise my brain so much liao, long time nvr play game liao, gtg le!
enjoy guys!
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blog for 19 sept...
same cycle agn, wake up prepare and go WORK!!!
whoots! everyday work ! shiok la! but sometime time pass damn slow la!
today time pass quite fast, cos i need to teach a newcome call mus, and he learn quite fast also. He damn high-tech sia, ppl use notebook to take down notes, he use PDA to note down sia, haha, first in engwah ba! Ticketing so many to teach, of course time pass damn fast la!
hais, my thumb damn pain! yesterday kanna cut, and nw my thumb gt a deep wound sia, everyday nd to change plaster to stop the blood. When wash, wow! the feeling damn high la! damn pain, hais, so suai lo, cute my hand and is a deep wound somemore also, hope can recover ffast..
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Monday, September 15, 2008
hais.. sad.. so sad... very sad... very so sad... so very sad...
today wake up by a sms from my hp, and is send from my school, and is my results! i saw my results and i stun, tears slowly cming out from my eyes... some of the modules grades i expected to be better than what i have get... soon after, i went to switch on my laptop and check my gpa, i saw my gpa and stun agn.. more tears come out...
this is what i gt: Databases - A Object-orenied and Analyis Design 1 - B eBusiness Foundations - B Windows Application Development - C Starting a Business - B+ Product Innovation and Design - B
and my overall gpa is 3.04...
really very sad, my first sem get 3.51, 2nd sem get 3.49 but 3rd sem get so low as 3.04, drop so much la! so disappointed!!! my target is to maintain at 3.50 so that next time may have chance to go in uni also, but nw... is so hard to maintain le.. unless i do very well in the remaining 3 sem but is not possible for me to do that well de, hais....
my diploma plus in Advance Maths only gt a B grade too, also quite disappointed...
went to work as usual, full shift, i still have a smilely face infront of my collegues, but the fact that in my heart is crying...
just fang gong le and back at hm nw, is so quiet, make me feel more lat keep thinking of my results, hais...
thinking tonite will not slp so early ba, althought tml full shift agn, this week work everyday full shift sia except thur help jingxuan to cover 6.30-c, but everyday work sia, hope i can tahan the tiredness and also overcome the sadness from my results ba...
really wish there is a shoulder for me to lean on or someone chatting with me nw...
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Sunday, September 14, 2008
today is my off day agn !
haha, wake up at late afternoon sia, have such a long slp, so shiok!
wake up le jiu as usual, brush my teeth and bath, then of course! i am hungry!!!
go j8 with my family to eat and the most happy part is my parents buy dvds for me!
and is ... lan qiu huo!!! yeah!!!
gt another dvds for me to chiong le after i watch finish dan chao fan! haha, wow, nowadays i seldom play game sia, this holiday everyday work, work end le jiu go hm chiong show show! haha, ok, today rite till her, nw for me to go chiong my shows liao!
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Thursday, September 11, 2008
today finally off day! haha, cos i every thur then off de ma and is my basketball day too!
wake up at 12 plus, whoots!! but still very tired leh.. maybe i last nite too late slp liao le, wake up le jiu prepare to go out le, haha!
i went to engwah to take my basketball from jingxuan first as edwin pass to her to pass to me, then i went to tpy mrt station to meet chinhao and went to the basketball court.
we play for quite a few hours ba...hmmms...until evening? ya should be ba! haha, we gt play a 5 on 5 full court match with 5 big size adults sia, what the score? of course we lose la! hw to win sia? haha, lose quite a number of balls, but nvm, is a good experience too!
the sad thing is my leg! hais... nw is damn pain la! walk also mus walk slowly liao lo...
after playing, i meet esther and cally for dinner, and while we having dinner, the shop play the bean's hoilday the movie, haha, we watch until finish then zao.
hmms, still early, so we go watch babylon which opens today and it is a great show, so guys! go watch ba! haha,
tired to write more.... today i just write until here ba, haha!
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Saturday, September 6, 2008
blog for 4 sept.....
today is a sunny day! whoots!! what a good day to play my favourite sport! and that is basketball! haha, so eager to go play le. wake up at 1pm then meet chinhao, mongrs and colborn at near 2pm cos i late then we went to tpy west cc to play basketball!
after we reach, edwin and his friend, jackie and zhihao also gt come down to play with us, so long nvr play le, feel so excited sia, haha, play quite a number of matches too. Cally, esther and jingxuan also present to watch us play too!
at about 5pm, we went to edwin hse to bath, his hse is soooo messy and full of things! haha, think the most neat one should be toilet? hahahaha, after that we went to tpy mrt station to meet junjie and we proceed to causeway point and have our seoul garden.
eat until full full, wah... cannot walk liao, gain weight liao? haha, nth to do le, is taking pic time ma? but all nt so supporting de, try to block frm me taking the photos.
Esther Cally Jun Jie Edwin and Jing Xuan After finish eating, we went to esther's hse to play poker cards awhile, and then take the last train hm, is a fun and tiring day too!
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Thursday, September 4, 2008
blog for 29 Aug...
today as usual, wake up so early to prepare to go work le, hais.. so sian, working full shift at snackbar and gt midnight, need to work so many hours.. but nvm, already get use le! hehees, as long gt money get can liao, wahaha, bo bian, so many things i wan to buy de.
at least, today gt one event that is special to make the day not boring, and is ...
hidayah's birthday!!
haha, hidayah is one of my collague, we thinking of how to give her a surprise. As she only work until 5pm, we ask nor, my manager to hold her longer until 5.30 where there is no show, then me, edwin, jinxuan, esther, cally and arshad bring the cake to 2nd lvl office and give hidayah a big surprise! nor and hussin also in the office. We took some pictures and eat the birthday cake, and we gave hidayah her favourite brand of wallet, animal! haha, think she really feel touched and happy ba, but really hope she will cherish the wallet too!
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blog for 26 Aug...
whoots!!! today is my class outings to k box! to celebrate reb and alicia's birthday sia!!! haha, same like last year, like no creative sia...zzz.... but bo bian, all like to sing ma, then go k box celebrate is the best solution liao lo, haha..
meet them at je mrt station at 1pm, i thought i am the most late le, but in the end alicia even more late than me sia, and late until near 2pm i think?? we wan to zao first de, but 'someone' want to wait for her, haha, u guys should know who the person ba! haha!!!
we sing in k box from 2pm - 7pm, 5 hours!!! so long hor?? quit high la i guess...
about 6pm, is time to celebrate reb and alicia birthday le!!!