blog for 6 may...
6-5-09 is a special day for kf and jan, haha
a new couple is created
today slp until so shiok lar, slp until 1pm plus? then dear come my hse with breakfast for me, hehee
then we went to larvender to ica building to do dear's passport, her photos funnie sia! ahha, jkjk, later she come beat me liao, haha
after that went to cine to watch movie, the ramen girl, quite funnie and last part make dear and me very touching also, u guys should watch! but nt available at engwah, haha
after that went back to tpy and play games with dear, then saw my collegue busy with posters changing, so help her with that awhile, then went to eat dinner plus supper liao, haha
stomach not feeling well, hope can recover fast, cough also should be better le after dear make me drink the woods medicine.
gng to slp soon le... nite everyone! haha
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